Saturday, March 7, 2015

阅读报告 - 第一篇 《Berkshire Hathaway 2014 Annual Report》

题外话:基于工作繁忙,小弟上一篇的文章已经是三个月前的事了。没办法啊,功夫还不到家,一篇公司的分析就要花至少两个星期的时间撰写了。(好啦。。。我承认其实我是懒惰 >.< )

返回正题,受到 Ali阿尧的影响,我想写一些'比较'简短的阅读报告。一方面可以记录在书本或报告里学到的知识。另一方面也好记录我阅读过的书籍。

首先,奉行价值投资者都知道在股票投资的世界,Warren Buffett 可说是数一数二的神级投资者。所以大家每一年都会很期待和阅读 Warren Buffett 撰写的 Berkshire常年报告。


1. "Market Price have their limitations in the short term. Monthly or yearly movement of stocks are often erratic. Overtime, stock price and intrinsic value almost invariably converge" 

很多股票的价格在短期内被低估或被有心人士炒高。但长期来说,股票的价格和它内在的价值是一样的。说易行难,因为要推算一个股票的内在价值有太多无法计算的因素。但我们可以做到的是买在低价,确保有足够的安全边际, 那么亏钱的几率就减低了。

2. "Of course, a business with terrific economics can be a bad investment if it is bought for too high a price"


3. “My experience in business helps me as an investor and that my investment experience has made me a better businessman"


4. "In world of business, bad news often surfaces serially. You see a cockroach in kitchen; as days go by, you meet his relatives"


5. “Forget what you know about buying fair business at wonderful prices; instead, buy wonderful business at fair prices” Charlie Munger

Berkshire Hathaway 今天能够那么成功,最大的功臣是Warren Buffett 的好拍档, Charlie Munger。 此君在投资策略和大方向上影响了Warren Buffett 后来的投资。Warren 从投资教父 Benjamin Graham 的‘Cigar butt investing' 投资法,转去长期投资一些有价值、有品牌、有堡垒而且生产的产品是大众永远需要的公司。

6. "Frequently, the best decision is to do nothing. But sitting tight is seldom recommended by Wall Street (Don't ask the barber whether you need a haircut)"

长期投资是致富的不二法门。但要做到并不简单,因为很考验耐心而且要不受外界的影响,尤其是要忍受analyst 或broker不停地叫买叫卖 和市场上的真假消息。

7. “Cash is to a business as Oxygen to an individual; never thought about when it is present, the only thing in mind when it is absent"


8. "The unconventional, but inescapable, conclusion to be drawn from the past 50 years is that it has been far safer to invest in a diversified collection of American businesses, than to invest in bond or treasuries"


9."For great majority of investors, who can and should invest with a multi-decade horizon, quotational declines are unimportant. Their focus should remain fixed on attaining significant gains in purchasing power over their investing lifetime.

对于一个长期(这里的长期是指几十年 =_=)投资者来说,股票的价格偶尔下跌,并不重要。最重要的是要怎么投资,让自己的购买能力在未来能有显著的提升。

10."Buffett's decision to limit his activities to a few kinds and to maximize his attention to them, and to keep doing it for 50 years, was a lollapolooza. Buffett succeeded for the same reason Roger Federer became good at tennis"

Warren Buffett 的成功很大程度归功于他五十年来不变地重复做着他最擅长的东西。学习投资应该是一门终身学问。学然后知不足,只要不停地学习,我们就有机会成功。

11. “Though practically all days are relatively uneventful, tomorrow is always uncertain. And if you can't predict what tomorrow will bring, you must be prepared for whatever it does".


12. “Investor can by their own behavior, make stock ownership highly risky by active trading, attempts to "time" market", inadequate diversification, payment of high and unnecessary fees to manager and advisor, and use borrowed money. Borrowed money has no place in investor's tool kit (anything can happen anytime in markets).

这一段对于散户来说是很好的警惕。只要我们不过度买卖、不短期操作股票、不去预测市场走向、不付过高和没必要的费用、不用Margin、和分散投资,那投资股票的风险将会大幅度降低。最重要的是永远不要借钱来投资股票,因为很可能明天就是熊市或股灾了 。


希望这篇文章能引起你的兴趣去阅读Berkshire历年来的常年报告。Warren Buffet 独树一帜的写作手法、风趣的比喻和他对于生意上的精辟见解,必定能让你学到很多投资和经营生意上的学问。他的常年报告是每个价值投资者必读的。


  1. Berkshire Hathaway 2014 Annual Report -